Tagged “Costa Rica”
Saripiqui River and Canopy Tour
Costa Rica
In a last-gasp effort to see something of the beautiful country of Costa Rica, and with a deal on a tour from a friend, I ventured out alone while Glenn continued to recover from his minor back injury. While being driven out of town alone in a large tour van, via my splotchy...READ MORE
Burn Rate
Central America
Costa Rica
<img src="https://res.cloudinary.com/donblanco/image/upload/dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/Vagabondians/burn-rate.png" alt="" loading="lazy"...READ MORE
Love Your Enemas
Central America
Costa Rica
Warning: this post might get a bit graphic. You probably shouldn't read it while eating. You might not want to read it at all! You know how old people can't seem to have a conversation without over-sharing about their bodily functions? Yeah, that's how this is going to go....READ MORE
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